Monday, Feb 24, room 221 in A22, 14:00
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At 12:00 in room M221 of building A22 of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering there will be a public defense of the doctoral thesis of MSc Eng. Sandra Zarychta entitled: Numerical method of constrained control optimization for discontinuous systems based on Fourier series.
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Seminar by Dr. Marcin Kapitaniak from the School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, entitled: "Dynamic response of a shallow-draft floating wind turbine concept: Experiments and modelling", to be held on February 14, 2025 at 9:15 a.m. in auditorium 1M02 in building A22 of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has been postponed due to lecteurer illness. New date will be annonced later.
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Dr Marek Balcerzak Teacher of the Year at Faculty of Mechanical ENgineering!
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Numerical method of constrained control optimization for discontinuous systems based
on Fourier series
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Profesor Andrzej Stefański 1967 - 2025
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HOT TOPICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Tipping in ecological systems under external forcing
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We are excited to welcome Tomasz Kapitaniak and Serhiy Yanchuk to the Chaos Editorial Board. Prof. Kapitaniak's and Dr. Yanchuk's experience will provide significant support for the mathematics and engineering communities within our team.
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Our memories about Jerzy Stelmarczyk
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Cycle of seminaris
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Pamięci Alvydasaa Kondratasa
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Professor Dana cooperates with us for a long time, all welcome!
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Sandra Zarychta with Young Researcher Award for best Poster Presentation at Dynamics Days Europe 2023
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Scientific seminar by Kamrul Hassan from Dhaka University.
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Inertia Wheel Pendulum Arrays