Mgr Sandra Zarychta
Katedra Dynamiki Maszyn - Division of Dynamics
ul. Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
K-13, bud. A22B, p. 411B
e-mail: S Zarychta
Sandra Zarychta obtained her engineering degree in 2019 and her master's degree in 2020 in the field of Automation and Robotics at the Lodz University of Technology. During her studies, she conducted research on a capsule oscillatory-impact drive and on the development of an endoscope enabling the diagnosis and treatment of the entire digestive system. She won second place in the 20th edition of the National Competition for the Diploma and Award of the President of the Association of Polish Engineers and Mechanics (SIMP) for the best mechanical diploma thesis defended in the academic year 2019/2020.
In 2020, she began her doctoral studies in the discipline of mechanical engineering. Shortly afterwards, she received a PRELUDIUM research grant financed by the National Science Center. During the international conference Dynamics Days Europe 2023, she was awarded for the best poster presentation presenting the research results obtained as part of her doctorate.
She participated in international projects in Spain, France and Italy. She has also been involved in social activities for years – for several years she was a volunteer at the Foundation for Children with Cancer Diseases "Krwinka". She has published two volumes of poetry and short stories: "Życie aniołów" (2018) and "Podróż do Włochy" (2019).
- 2015-09-30 to present | M. Sc. in Automatic Control and Robotics/PhD student
A simple method of numerical control optimization in discontinuous systems based on Fourier series
2021-01 to present | GrantNarodowe Centrum Nauki (Kraków, PL) GRANT_NUMBER: 2020/37/N/ST8/03448
- Zarychta Sandra, Balcerzak Marek, Wojewoda Jerzy: Exploring iterative and non-iterative Fourier series-based methods of control optimization in application to a discontinuous capsule drive model. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 2024, vol. 112. 10.1007/s11071-024-10333-3
- Zarychta Sandra, Balcerzak Marek, Denysenko Volodymyr, Stefański Andrzej, Dąbrowski Artur, Lenci S.: Optimization of the closed-loop controller of a discontinuous capsule drive using a neural network. MECCANICA, 2023, vol. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11012-023-01639-4.
- Joanna Szkudlarek, Bartłomiej Zagrodny, Sandra Zarychta and Xiaoxue Zhao. 3D Hand Scanning Methodology for Determining Protective Glove Dimensional Allowances. 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 20(3), 2645. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20032645
- Zarychta Sandra, Sagan Tomasz, Balcerzak Marek, Dąbrowski Artur, Stefański Andrzej, Kapitaniak Tomasz: A novel, Fourier series based method of control optimization and its application to a discontinuous capsule drive model. 2022 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 219, 107104. DOI:
- Dabrowski, A.; Sagan, T.; Denysenko, V.; Balcerzak, M.; Zarychta, S.; Stefanski, A.: Alternative methods of the largest Lyapunov exponent estimation with applications to the stability analyses based on the dynamical maps—introduction to the method. 2021 MATERIALS, 14(23), 7197; DOI:
- Koter K, Fracczak L, Chojnacka K, Jablonski K, Zarychta S, and Podsedkowski L: Snake robot based on McKibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. In: 2019 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ’DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS - THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Conference paper.