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Andrzej Stefański 1967-2025: in memory

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Profesor Andrzej Stefański 1967 - 2025


On January 13, 2025, Prof. Dr. Habil. Eng. Andrzej Stefański passed away - an outstanding scientist, but above all a wonderful Man and Friend.

Andrzej Stefański was born on July 31, 1967 in Zduńska Wola, where he received his primary education and graduated from a technical school. He connected the rest of his life with Łódź and the Faculty of Mechanics of the Lodz University of Technology, which he graduated from in 1993, and then began doctoral studies at the same Faculty. Three years later, he began his research and teaching work at the Department of Machine Dynamics. His scientific career was excellent and even exemplary - in 1996, he defended his doctoral thesis prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Habil. Eng. Tomasz Kapitaniak, in 2005 he obtained the degree of habilitated doctor of technical sciences in the field of mechanics, and in 2010 he obtained the title of professor of technical sciences.

The main focus of his scientific activity was the phenomenon of synchronization of dynamic systems and its use to create a methodology for estimating the largest Lyapunov exponent in mechanical systems with discontinuities. During his work, Andrzej has accumulated significant scientific achievements. This achievement consists of authorship or co-authorship of three monographs (including two in English) and over one hundred and forty scientific papers, of which over eighty were published in world journals with a significant impact factor and at the same time high ministerial score. His works are exceptionally frequently cited. A significant part of the above-mentioned research was conducted as a manager or contractor of nineteen national research projects (KBN, MNiSW, FNP, NCN - OPUS, MAESTRO) and international research projects implemented with foreign funds (Royal Society of London, DAAD). He cooperated with centers in Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Bolivia, India and Brazil. He was recognizable both in Poland and abroad - often invited to conferences, during which he delivered lectures as a main speaker.

He participated in many works for the promotion of the Faculty and the University. He was a member of the Committee on Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the Section of Dynamics of Systems, the NCN Corps, the supervisor of the Mechanics and Machine Design major at the Faculty of Mechanics of the Lodz University of Technology, the Chairman of the Diploma Examination Committee for the above-mentioned major. He was the supervisor of seven doctoral dissertations. The topics taken up in the dissertations are currently being continued, and his ideas are still being developed by one of the Unit's teams. Andrzej was a great academic teacher and a wonderful educator of young people - a frequent supervisor of engineering and diploma theses. He reviewed many scientific studies, including manuscripts, doctoral dissertations, habilitation and professorship applications.

Professor Andrzej Stefański left us after a long illness. He died much too early.

In private, he enjoyed sailing on the Masurian lakes, played the guitar, chess and bridge. He loved reading and discussing various topics. He left behind a loving wife - Marzena and children, of whom he was proud - Katarzyna and Rafał.

Andrzej will always be remembered as an outstanding scientist and a warm colleague and friend. We will miss him.

BY Barbara Błażejczyk-Okolewska, January 2025